Monday 12 December 2016

tips for Pengajian AM

Pengajian Am

Time : 1 and half hours for semester 2 while 2 hours for semester 1 and semester 3

Pengajian Am is basically a compusolary subject for everyone.
For the first semester we are study more on our country where we get to learn about the ways to be a legal citizenship in Malaysia, formation of parlimen, dasar negara and dasar luar negara

Tips to score pa :

(i)Score Objective well  -
How? what you need to do is just keep on practicing , especially past year question because some of the question may repeat. Try to get the score of 13/15 or even better .
My study tips on this is : i keep on repeating doing the same question paper for a few times by photocopy atleast 3 sets. So the question you might wonder at this point is why I prepare 3 sets?
the first set i do is usually the first time after i finish studying that subtopic .
the second set is done before my school trial exam
and lastly, the third set is done before the real semester exams.
Besides that I always look through the objective paper that i have done wrongly whenever I am free.

(ii)Structure (Sem 1 and Sem 3)
there are 15 marks for structure , to score well this part u need alot of praticise and reading throughtout the semester to ensure that you score well for this part .But the good news is from 2016/2017 stpm students, there have been filling in the blanks part for it, it's like a bonus to you .
My study tips on this is : read as much as you can, do a lot of practice and make sure you get those key words right .Eg : menguatkuasakan undang-undang should be written in exam instead of memperkasa undang-undang. ( Please refer to your PA teacher for more)

(iii) essay
this part is the require a lot of memorising and timing. because you have only around 30 minutes for each essay  so you need to make sure u able to complete them in them
My study tips on this is : read a book call LP but sadly this book only can be obtained from school. If you don't have this books, you can try out pelangi or oxford for their essay.
the key to score in essay is the key words which you used on the first sentence in the each line of your paragraph
study skill- recall :I  create a routine for this part : the first day is the day i learn, i use around 1 to 2 hours to understand that essay, then i write it out without looking on a the small piece of  paper.
for the next day i take it out the small piece of paper and memorise it again.
the third day i read it again, but this time shorter and faster.
one week later i read it again.
before exam, I do a short and simple notes for each essay which is for a easier recall during the last minutes studys.

(iv) graphing( semester2)
yea this is the easiest part and also the hardest part.why? because you will be practicing alot of graphing through out your semester 2 ,  but sadly, the MPM always have some tricks or traps which is mandatory causing a lot of students lost marks.
  i spend 1 hours in  for almost every day in semester 2 to keep on practicing on this part because If you score this part well, you have been guarantee a B  for this semester . Besides that, always look out for those key point such as x and Y axis, title , petunjuk, scalar and so on .

(v) interpreting data(semester 3)
this part is is the opposite comparative to graphing in semester 2, you required you analysis data from a graph and write out an essay from it. it can be either 2+2 or 4+0 or even 1+1+2 and so on.
2+2 means 2 "pola" + 2 huraian given at the title while 4+0 means u need to write 4 "pola perubahan" while no huraian given at the title is required.
there are a lot of things you need to becareful of example : unit eg  sebuah , Rm and so on
or even  % perubahan .
mostly people will get 7/15  or 13/15. try to get as high as possible for this part as it will help you alot !
My study tips on this part :   alot of understanding and interpretating skill is required, please do more exercises on this part, it gonna be hard at the beginning but after some times it will become easier.
Have faith !

****  this is just some sharing tips  take those which is useful for you and hope my tips could help you out :) ****


  1. thankyouu for the tips. wishing me well for my coming sem 2 2018 exam

  2. Thank you for the tips. Wish me luck stpm 2021 😌

  3. thank u so much for your sharing it really helpful thanks mannnnnnnnn
